Sourdough Bakewell Galette: A Simple, Drool-Inducing Recipe for Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is just around the corner, and we’ve baked up a surprisingly easy but seriously delicious pastry that will have the mom in your life feeling the love on their special day!
If you are looking for a way to surprise the mom(s) in your life with a sweet treat this year, then this is the ticket! This is one that you can even get the kids involved with and throw a little flour around the kitchen together.
The best part? This easy but beautiful galette is made with sourdough discard and Janie’s Mill Organic Sifted Artisan Flour, so you know it’s gonna taste ahh-mazing and have all the benefits of fermentation and whole grain goodness!
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Another great thing about this recipe is you can make the dough several days in advance, and you can even build the galettes the day before. This means all you need to do on the day is heat the oven up and pop them in. Easy!
The pastry is super versatile too; we included instructions for making a cherry “Bakewell” filling for the galettes, but if you have another flavor combo in mind then go for it!
Let’s get started…
Stone-Milled Sourdough Bakewell Galette
Yields: 6-8 Galettes
Tools you’ll need:
- Mixing bowl
- Danish dough whisk (or wooden spoon/spatula)
- French whisk (optional)
- Pastry blender (optional)
- Bench knife
- Rolling pin
- 6” diameter cut out (you can use a saucepan lid or even a plate and paring knife)
- Stand mixer (optional)
- Parchment lined cookie sheet
- Pastry brush
- Food scale
Shopping List:
- 350g Janie’s Mill Organic Sifted Artisan Flour
- This recipe can also use All Purpose Flour, but it is best with Janie’s Mill!
- 1 lb. Unsalted Butter
- 2 Eggs
- ½ lb. Almond Flour
- Handful Sliced Almonds
- 1 Can Cherry Pie Filling (see filling notes)
- 1 Tbsp Sugar
- 1 tsp Salt
- ½ tsp Almond Extract
Dough Ingredients:
- 350g Janie’s Mill Organic Sifted Artisan Flour (cold)
- 1 tbsp Sugar
- 1 tsp Salt
- 227g Unsalted Butter (cold, cubed)
- 230g Discard (cold, unfed starter)
- 45g Water (cold)
Dough Method:
- Start by weighing out and prepping your ingredients. Weigh the flour out then put it in the freezer. Then cut the butter into thumb-sized cubes and place in the fridge along with the weighed out water and discard.
Allow everything at least 30 minutes to chill. You can even chill the mixing bowl if it’s warm where you are going to be making the dough. - Once ingredients are chilled, add the flour, sugar and salt to the mixing bowl, then gently whisk to combine.
- Add the chilled butter, and use a pastry blender if you have one to cut the butter through the flour into pea-sized pieces. If you don’t have a pastry blender, you can use two butter knives to cut it in, or just your hands.
Tip: Use nitrile gloves so that the body heat in your fingers doesn’t soften the butter. - Once you have pea-sized butter throughout, form a well in the center, then add the discard and start combining using the Danish dough whisk, spoon or spatula.
It is going to be quite sticky, but try to incorporate as much flour into it as possible, so that when you start working it by hand it won’t stick to your fingers as much. - Next, add the water, trying to spread it evenly across the dough. Continue mixing with the whisk briefly, then begin using your hands to absorb all the liquid in the dough. You don’t want to develop the gluten too much, but don’t be tempted to add more water. Just slowly press the dough down into the bowl, occasionally folding it over on itself until it almost completely comes together.
- You will likely have a few dry spots, but once the dough has mostly come together, remove from the bowl onto a clean work surface. Using the ball of your thumbs (meaty part of the palm), push down into the dough, spreading it out as you go.
Then, using your bench knife, fold the dough over on itself and continue until any floury bits are fully absorbed into the dough. - Next wrap the dough in cling film, and either chill immediately or you can leave it out at cool room temperature for 4-8 hours to begin fermenting then place in the fridge overnight or up to 3 days.
The added room temperature fermentation, plus longer cold fermentation will add both flavor and digestibility to the pastry.
Making The Filling
This particular galette is a riff on a Bakewell Tart, which combines a jammy cherry mixture with frangipane and almond slices. We are using cherry pie filling, so the only thing you will need to make is the frangipane, which can be done in a few minutes either in a stand mixer or by hand.
If you would prefer, you could also use cherry jam or another fruit filling of your choice. Any stone fruit or berry should go well with the almond, and pear goes particularly well with it also.
Frangipane Ingredients:
- 227g Unsalted Butter (softened)
- 227g Sugar
- 227g Almond Flour
- 1 Egg
- ½ tsp Almond Extract
Frangipane Method:
- Cream the butter and sugar together using a stand mixer with paddle attachment, or French whisk in a mixing bowl, until it lightens in color and the butter and sugar are homogenous.
- Add the almond flour and continue mixing until fully incorporated.
- Add the egg and almond extract, and continue mixing until smooth and fluffy.
- Once finished, cover in an airtight container and store in the fridge until needed, but allow plenty of time to come up to room temperature before assembling the night before.
Tip: This can be done the day before, or up to a week in advance.
Rolling Out The Pastry:
- Take the chilled pastry from the fridge, unwrap it, and place on a lightly floured work surface, dusting flour onto both sides of it.
Allow it to temper (soften) for a few minutes before working it. - Starting from the center of the pastry, press the rolling pin gently into it, and then repeat several times, moving toward the edge furthest from you, then back from the center and toward the edge closest to you.
Rotate the pastry block 90 degrees and repeat. - Slowly start rolling it out into a rectangle shape, straightening the edges with your hands as needed. The pastry will be hard to work with when cold, but will get progressively easier to work with as it warms up.
- Continue to add a bit of flour as needed to prevent sticking, but lightly brush any excess off to avoid adding too much flour into the dough.
- You want to roll it out into a final size of just over 18” x 12” at a thickness of about 3mm (⅛”), then using your dough cutter or plate and paring knife, press out six circles of 6” diameter.
If it's not a perfect circle or the dough splits on the edge, don’t worry, as the edges are all going to be folded over. - Once you have cut your shapes, you can re-roll the scrap pastry to get another 1-2 galettes out of it. When finished with your shapes, stack them with a piece of parchment in between to prevent sticking, wrap in cling film and chill to allow pastry to rest, preferably overnight before assembling galettes.
This rest will allow the dough to fully relax, so they don’t shrink when baked.
Assembling The Galettes:
- Make sure your frangipane is at room temperature.
- Make an egg wash by whisking one egg with a splash of water or milk and a pinch of salt.
- Place the pastry circles on the work surface in front of you, and put a heaped tablespoon of frangipane in the center of each. You can push it down slightly with the back of a spoon to create an indentation.
- Add a teaspoon or two of the fruit filling of your choice to the top of the frangipane.
- To shape the galettes, take the edge of the pastry closest to you and gently fold it toward the center, then continue folding around the pastry, overlapping the edges until you have a hexagonal shape.
This is a rustic pastry, so don’t sweat it if it isn’t perfectly symmetrical! - Once you have folded it all the way around, press down with a fingertip at all the overlap points to seal the pastry together.
- Repeat for each pastry, then use a pastry brush to egg wash the edges you folded over, trying not to get it on the filling in the center.
- Once egg washed, you can sprinkle a little bit of sugar onto the egg washed edges if you like. This will add a caramel crispness to the pastry.
Tip: The sliced almonds are put on the pastry during baking, as they will burn if added now.
Time to Bake:
You can bake them as soon as they’re assembled if you like, or you can place them back in the fridge overnight and bake from cold the following morning. For this, place on a parchment lined sheet pan that will fit in your fridge, then cover or wrap in cling film. There is no need to space them for this.
When you’re ready to bake, put them on a larger cookie sheet (or two sheet pans) that is parchment lined, with 2” of space between each galette.
Oven should be preheated to 350° F convection or 375° F conventional, and the galettes will bake for 15-25 minutes or until golden brown and the pastry is crisp throughout.
The sliced almonds should be added about 5 minutes from the end of baking.
Once out of the oven, dust a little icing sugar on top for a finishing touch, and serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream!
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